KINGSLEY FIELD, Ore. -- If an Airman expects to eventually reach the pinnacle ranks of senior or chief master sergeant, they need to plan on earning a Community College of the Air Force degree as a result of a change to promotion requirements beginning Oct. 2015.
Master Sgt. Dan Hutchison, 173rd Fighter Wing, was aware of this requirement and knew he had to consider options to complete his CCAF.
"I had various avenues to finish my degree, but they weren't exactly convenient," said Hutchison.
However, thanks to a partnership between Klamath Community College and the 173rd FW, Hutchison and many other Kingsley Field Airmen have been able to attend CCAF specific courses on-base.
"The convenience of having classes on base has made it so easy to take classes, it has been great," added Hutchison.
Master Sgt. Summer Jordre, 173rd FW, agrees. "I could have taken the courses online, but with three children at home that would have been difficult; I like being in the classroom environment."
The courses KCC offers on-base are designed to meet the requirements for the CCAF.
CCAF is set up on a semester hour basis, and the local colleges, KCC included, are on a quarter hour system. However, through planning and partnering, KCC and the 173rd FW were able to develop courses that would meet the semester-hour requirements.
"It motivates me to actually take the courses, when otherwise I would not have signed up for them," said Senior Master Sgt. Pete Weigman, 173rd FW. "I'd have just kept putting it off year after year as a minimum requirement."
This continuing partnership was formed in 2013 and provides accessible education opportunities for Airmen at Kingsley Field. On April 23, 2014 Colonel Gregor Leist, 173rd FW Vice Commander, and Dr. Roberto Gutierrez, KCC President, signed a memorandum of understanding outlining the details of this continuing partnership.
This partnership is mutually beneficial, providing the ability for Kingsley Airmen to complete their CCAF degree in a more efficient manner while providing an "outstanding population of new students for KCC."
For more information on what courses are being offered and how to sign up contact Base Training or visit with the KCC Veterans Advisor, Mr. Tracy Heap, Tuesdays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the base testing room in building 211, room 310.