Military One Source -- School closures and the general uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus disease 2019 have affected families everywhere. Children and teenagers who feel isolated from friends and activities may experience a particularly hard time.
Children show stress in different ways. Your child may act out, be sad or fearful, or show signs of low self-esteem. To help your child cope with changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Military OneSource will offer video non-medical counseling sessions for children and teenagers.
What is non-medical counseling?
- Non-medical counseling is confidential, short-term, solution-focused counseling provided by counselors with a master’s degree or higher.
- Self-esteem issues
- Communication and relationships
- Problem-solving and adjustment
- Behavioral issues, such as bullying and anger management
- Changes at home, such as deployment, reunion, divorce and grief
Children and youth services
Children and youth ages 6-17 of active-duty, National Guard or reserve service members, and recently retired or separated service members are eligible for confidential video non-medical counseling through Military OneSource.
A parent must attend each video session for children age 12 and younger, but only be available at the start of each video session for youth ages 13 to 17 to give parental consent.
Conversations in these sessions stay between your child and the counselor. The only exceptions are cases of domestic violence, abuse, and suicidal or homicidal threats. If your child is in immediate crisis, call the Military Crisis Line at 800-273-8255, and press 1, chat online, or send a text message to 838255.
Arranging non-medical counseling for your child
Call Military OneSource at 800-342-9647 to learn whether non-medical counseling is right for your child. View for calling options if you are outside the continental United States. If a consultant determines the service is appropriate, you will be authorized for up to 12 counseling sessions and connected with a non-medical counselor who best suits your child’s needs.
Our understanding of COVID-19 is changing rapidly. Stay up to date by checking Military OneSource’s Coronavirus Information for Our Military Community.