KINGSLEY FIELD, Ore. -- A 2.4 million dollar renovation to the Kingsley Field base gym that began in April 2020 is finally completed.
The gym was built in 1958, and has had only minor updates and repairs since it was first constructed. “Until 2016, the gym was not 100% authorized, so we were unable to get projects approved for renovations and system upgrades,” says Tech. Sgt. Morgan Anding, 173rd Civil Engineering Squadron project manager. “With the growth of the mission and the addition of active duty personnel, we were then able to program a project to bring the building up to date and make it much more efficient.”
New paint inside and out, ceiling tiles, and the addition of translucent windows to the building are a few of the external changes.
“One of the biggest modifications personnel will see is the remodel to the men and women’s locker room and the addition of an ADA ramp to the outside of the building,” adds Anding.
Internal systems such as the HVAC and the electrical systems were upgraded, as well as the addition of a fire suppression system. “A lot was done to improve the efficiency of the building, such as the addition of insulation to the attic space and an upgrade to LED lighting,” notes Anding.
Having a facility for Airmen to train and exercise is important for Airmen, says Master Sgt. Collin Carr, 173rd Fighter Wing Fitness Program Manager. “Fitness is extremely important for our profession, but it is even more important now when COVID-19 has created an environment of increased risk factors,” says Carr. “Activity and nutrition are key to stress relief, disease prevention, and longevity; so now is the best time to invest in your physical health.”
Performance fitness testing for the Air Force has been on hold since March 2020 due to COVID-19 restrictions, and is set to resume in April 2020.
The building systems are all set to go online by January 22; however, due to current COVID-19 State restrictions on opening fitness centers and gyms, the building will remain closed until Klamath County moves out of the Extreme Risk Level category as mandated by Oregon Governor Kate Brown’s orders.
A 5,000 square foot addition to the building is still in the design phase and is planned to start construction in late Fall 2021. “The addition will be an open floor plan mainly intended for weight room use, adding one unisex restroom, an office and an assessment room,” says Anding.