KINGSLEY FIELD, Ore. -- The Easter Bunny paid a visit to Kingsley Field, bringing over 3,000 stuffed eggs to the base for children to find. Squeals of joy and excitement were heard as little ones scampered through the grass by the headquarters building searching for the candy-filled treasures on April 1.
The 173rd Fighter Wing Airman and Family Readiness organized the event with donations from the Trappers’ Social Club and the 173rd Chiefs’ Group.
“We have not had an event like this on base in over year where families were allowed to join; it was long overdue and exciting for all of those involved,” said Master Sgt. Chad Street, the event organizer.
Due to the ongoing pandemic, the annual family events such as the Children’s Holiday party and Family Day gathering that are typically held on base were cancelled.
“It was difficult in a number of ways; but more than anything it was not being able to see everyone and connect with each other,” said Street.
Street says events like this are extremely important for Team Kingsley. “It lets the families know that not only are we taking care of the service member, but the spouses and children are important as well.”
The event took approximately two weeks to plan with most of the coordination looking at ways to bring the families in while keeping each other safe by following the COVID restrictions. The event was RSVP only with a limited number of “slots” to ensure social distancing could be met. Additionally, families were asked to wear masks and follow distancing rules.
When asked if the event was a success, Street says he believed it was based on this triplet boys’ reaction. “They really enjoyed it.”
Cecily Gaudinski, 173rd AFRC coordinator, said here children were so excited to come back out to the base. “They were able to see some of their other family, their base family! That and free candy,” she added.
Three-year-old Junior Jimenez seemed to agree as he dug into the plastic eggs searching for the goodies. “Mmmm…” he said stuffing a jelly bean into his mouth.