On June 23, 2023, eleven-year-old Kaelynn Hartman stepped into the hangar at Kingsley Field in Klamath Falls, Oregon to see her artwork adorned to the nose of a 173rd Fighter Wing F-15C Eagle.
“It’s unbelievable that my drawing is on an F-15,” she said. “It makes me proud of myself.”
Kaelynn’s drawing of an F-15 against the backdrop of an American flag and the words, “I was raised in the Land of No Slack!” was selected from 20 entries that were submitted through April to the Military and Family Readiness office for a nose art contest.
She says her childhood inspired her drawing. “I grew up around the F-15 and to respect the American flag. My parents are always saying that I am being raised in the Land of No Slack!”
The contest was hosted to celebrate April’s Month of the Military Child, and was open to all Oregon military children, 17 years old and under. Participants submitted their design using the provided design template.
Cecily Gaudinski, 173rd FW Military and Family Readiness Program Manager, said choosing a winner was extremely challenging for the selection committee because of all the amazing artwork that was submitted.
“Being a military child means always having to adjust and adapt to an array of changes, and that’s not an easy task!” said Gaudinski. “Events like our ‘Nose Art Contest’, provide an opportunity to show support and thank military youth for their strength and sacrifices.”
Kaelynn is the daughter of Staff Sgts. Michael and Ashlyn Hartman, both from the 173rd Maintenance Group.
“We are so proud of her,” said Ashlyn Hartman.
“We tell her if you slow down and take your time to do things right, the hard work will eventually pay off,” added Michael Hartman. “Now she truly understands what that means. She took her time on this drawing and really put a lot of thought and effort into it.”
Kaeylnn and her family were joined by Airmen from across the base in a reveal ceremony, and Col. Lee Bouma, 173rd FW commander, presented Kaelynn with a certificate and coin.
“Team Kingsley is a family and that includes taking care of not only our service members, but their families and children,” added Gaudinski. “This event provides an opportunity for the kids to have an impact on making the base mission happen and serves as a visual reminder for our service members and families to remember the life of a military-connected child is one of constant change and sacrifice.”
According to the Department of Defense Education Activity, the Month of the Military Child is a time to applaud military families and their children for the daily sacrifices they make and the challenges they overcome. The Month of the Military Child is part of the legacy left by former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger. He established the Defense Department commemoration in 1986.