KINGSLEY FIELD, Ore. -- Nearly 150 students from seven high schools around southern Oregon spent the morning at Kingsley Field seeing firsthand what jobs are available to them in the military, April 19, 2024.
Organized by the 173rd Fighter Wing recruiting team, the Armed Forces Expo showcased career fields from every group on base, as well as the Army National Guard, Navy, Marines, and Active Duty Army.
Staff Sgt. Holly Tait, 173rd FW recruiting assistant, says events like this are very beneficial. “It shows the schools our base like they have never seen it before; most people don’t really understand the Guard so bringing them directly out here was a great way to teach them.”
Shops from across the base brought different pieces of equipment for the students to touch and see. This included electronic imaging equipment used to analyze the structure of the aircraft, mockup radar systems, a 20mm gun display, communication equipment, as well as a static F-15 Eagle. F-15 crew chiefs even hooked up power to an F-15 on jacks and showed the students a gear swing, quickly raising and lowering the landing gear.
"Numerous cadets from the Henley JROTC program got valuable information about careers at the 173rd Fighter Wing and in the military at large,” said retired Master Sgt. Jefferson Thompson, Henley Junior ROTC instructor. “Following the event several cadets have said they plan to pursue the military as a career."
Tait said this event generated approximately 30 leads for the recruiting office, including multiple from the Rogue Valley.
“It’s important to bring students and teachers out of the local area because we have all Southern Oregon to cover in recruiting, and most of these people have never seen a military base or jets up close,” she added. “Giving the opportunity to be here and just seeing the base alone shows them the benefits.”
According to Tait this event also helps build a stronger relationship with the high-school counselors and teachers.
“Most of the time we have our applicants tour the base after going to MEPs; but to be able to show everyone, even those not looking to join, will allow the word to slowly spread more about how great the Guard is,” said Tait.