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  • 173rd SFS members deployment qualify in Hawai’i

    Is spending two weeks in Hawai’i shooting machine guns on a military range on anyone’s bucket list? Twenty-eight 173rd Security Forces Squadron defenders did just that in early May for their annual training.

  • Team Kingsley Defender champion of Official Military Skate competition

    Working the gate at Kingsley Field or patrolling the streets of the 173rd Fighter Wing you would never know that Staff Sgt. Erick Fregoso, 173rd Security Forces Squadron, lives a dual life. In his uniform he’s every bit of a Security Forces Defender, kitted out for the job, wearing a meticulously

  • 173rd SFS trains in combatives

    Members of the 173rd Fighter Wing Security Forces spent a portion of their annual training learning how to quickly subdue an attacker using combatives training.