Team Kingsley,
 We have sufficient Moderna COVID vaccines available on base for all personnel. See below for scheduling information:

o   April RSD: COVID vaccinations will be available in the theater Saturday 1100-1500. All personnel due their second dose or those wanting to start the series can contact MDG for an appointment at 541-885-6312.

o   During the week: COVID vaccinations must be scheduled in groups of 10. Due to lack of interest in the Friday COVID clinic, MDG is happy to coordinate any group of 10 produced by a unit or collect names until a group can be assembled then coordinate vaccine administration. Please call 885-6312/6392 if interested.

***There is no word about the Oregon National Guard receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, but it may be available in the community soon.


#TeamKingsley Vaccine Videos



vaccine fact sheet

About COVID-19

COVID-19On Jan. 30, 2020, the World Health Organization declared a public health emergency of international concern for the 2019 novel coronavirus, or COVID-19. On Jan. 31, 2020, the secretary of Health and Human Services declared a public health emergency in the United States and announced new measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The current epidemic, which originated in mainland China, has demonstrated the capacity of COVID-19 to spread globally. While supporting other government agencies’ response to the COVID-19 threat, the Department of the Air Force is responding appropriately to protect the health of the force and maintain operational readiness.


ID Cards and DEERS info
  • 541-885-6133
Finance Customer Service
  • 541-885-6429
173rd Fighter Wing Public Affairs
  • 541-885-6677
  • 541-205-8198
173rd FW Sexual Assault Response Coordinator 24/7
  • 541-591-5545
Director of Psychological Health
  • 541-885-6433
F-15 FTU Schoolhouse Registrar
  • 541-880-0903